The collective Corpus Unicum SPAC / Circuito Giovani is a term of connection and comparison of all the different experiences that followed one another during the first Circuito Giovani review 2008. Inside the Pescheria Visual Arts Center in Pesaro, some of the works born from the creative synergy of the young artists involved in the project and operated in relation to seven centers of the SPAC circuit are exhibited (Pesaro, Cartoceto, Marotta, Pietrarubbia, Fossombrone, Talamello e Pergola) who from time to time have been able to inspire and welcome works and interventions capable of opening up to a dialogical confrontation with the spaces themselves and with the public. Without retracing the events by chronological stages, the collective collects the experiences gained by the individual artists, remaining faithful to their operating modes, they related to the historical and cultural context of the host spaces, mediating through dynamics of bodily and intellectual immersion a discourse that exploits the means of the visual arts (painting, sculpture, photography, video e performance) and reconnects to the local artistic and social pre-existences.
Volume made on the occasion of the collective "Body Only. SPAC / Youth Circuit ", Pescheria Pesaro Visual Arts Center (May 2009).