Catalog of the Alessandro Giampaoli exhibition. If you can, lose your steps presented by Civiero Art Gallery in the “R. Hawks " | Palace of the Park of Diano Marina (IM) from 16 December 2023 to the 11 January 2024.
“Very often, in life, to “find yourself” you have to “get lost”, carry out an escape, experience the thrill of flight and the thud of the fall, abandon the preconceived idea, the known, to free oneself and renew oneself. Each of us can choose how to implement this path of rediscovering our self, of the intimate depths of one's being. […]
It is precisely to get lost that Alessandro Giampaoli invites, with his recent work If you can, you lose your steps, also chosen as the title of this monograph. An invitation to abandon all pre-established paths, progress as a responsible and evolutionary act. But, reading carefully, the title expresses a possibility, a “being able to do something”, an action in the conception phase but not yet implemented. The “choice to get lost”, in fact, it could be an act that is not suitable for everyone, it would seem to presuppose an ability to open up upon reaching a goal, both arduous and uplifting”.
From the critical text by Livia Savorelli