"In this sea of suffering and pain in which all humanity flounders - with the consequent amplification of the feeling of separation, distrust and selfishness towards the Other - how poetry can survive? Poetry houses and is entrusted to the word and to the profound meanings of the term empathy, that is, that individual's ability to literally put himself in the other's shoes, in the absence of judgment and with a heart swollen with tenderness and compassion. The poetry of pain is given by the confident hope that human beings of an evolved society, as we sometimes regard ours with gratuitous arrogance, place one in the other, through an authentic and profound encounter, thus overcoming the uncertainties and panic of all sorts. And this in itself is already a political act, since it represents a way of relating to the world and to the other, with a horizontal gaze that makes the dehumanized human, activates the richness of dialogue in the name of differences e, in that of progress, loving sharing of the common good.
The artist, with this statement, takes us by the hand to understand the political side of love, that horizontal rather than vertical gaze which is an inclusive way of relating to the world, an opening to the Other which also becomes a fundamental prerequisite for defining the identity of the person. That same opening that shapes the duality of its existence: being an art therapist on the one hand and a performer on the other. Two faces that self-generate by renewing themselves, feeding on each other ".
Livia Savorelli in dialogue with Mona Lisa Tina