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Arturo Martini. The heartbeat of matter


Headline: Arturo Martini. The heartbeat of matter
Artist: Arturo Martini
Edited by: Carla Bracco, Donatella Ventura
Texts: Nico Stringa, Tomaso Dandolo, Franco Miglietta, Donatella Ventura, Carla Bracco, Magda Tassinari, Federica Rabai, Monica Bruzzo
Language: Italian, English
Translations: John Steward Arnold, Piergianna De Rossi
Release date: 21 May 2021
ISBN: 978-88-6057-491-6
Size: cm 21×28
Format: paperback binding
Pages: 136
Price: € 29.00

Giovanni Campus – Time in process. Connection measures reports – Work path 1963-2021


Headline: Giovanni Campus – Time in process. Connection measures reports
Subtitle: Work path 1963-2021
Artist: Giovanni Campus
Edited by: Matteo Galbiati
Texts: Placido Cherchi, Matteo Galbiati, Giovanni Campus
Language: Italian
Release date: 11 June 2021
ISBN: 978-88-6057-494-7
Size: cm 21×28
Format: cartonato
Pages: 112
Price: € 29.00

Black Mode


Headline: Black Mode
Artists: Domenico Bianchi, Paolo Canevari, Bruno Ceccobelli, Davide Coltro, Riccardo De Marchi, Emmanuele De Ruvo, Matteo Gironi, Christine Liebich, Gerold Miller, Susan York
Texts: Alberto Fiz
Language: Italian, English
Translations: Ann Venables
Release date: 10 September 2020
ISBN: 978-88-6057-475-6
Size: cm 21×29,7
Format: cartonato
Pages: 104
Price: € 29.00

Hugh Marano. The rooms of utopia


Headline: Hugh Marano. The rooms of utopia
Edited by: Antonello Twelve, Stephanie Zuliani
Texts: Antonello Twelve, Stephanie Zuliani
Artist writings, dream anthology: edited by Marta Ferrara
Institutional texts: Vincent DeLuca, Angela Tecce
Language: Italian, English
Translations: Johannes Henry Neuteboom, Free During
Release date: July 2023
ISBN: 978-88-6057-582-1
Size: cm 16,5×24
Format: cartonato
Pages: 144
Price: € 28.00

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