Headline: Amigdala | Time Regained
Authors / artists: Rudy Cremonini
Texts: Eli Sassoli de 'Bianchi
Translations: Liliana Rota
Year: 2012
ISBN: 978-88-6057-166-3
Size: 14,8×21 cm
Binding: grecata brossura and fresata
Pages: 80
Illustrations: 48
Price: € 15,00
ISBN: 978-88-6057-165-6
Format: PDF
Price: free download
(Amigdala) It is a stately and ancient word that lends itself well to open up the doors of the universe pictorial Rudy Cremonini, which we enter on tiptoe, like spectators at a theatrical comedy, una "human comedy" che the artista raffigura, pictorially, through a selection of subjects of various kinds: men, women, children, “still life”; a selection of psychological portraits similar to a real storage to documentation of faces that tell itself to their intrinsic diversity; archaic faces and intense, often dramatic, that turn a direct look and penetrating to a spectator imaginary called to testify his presence and to participate in a moment of intimacy.
They are figures belonging to a world-more, to a remote time but at the same time this: time linked to the size of the memory, in which the reference to the amygdala brain as an organ of the seat emotional memory, wants to be scientific evidence to Proust's literary insights about the mechanisms that regulate the functioning of involuntary memory.
Taken from the text of Eli Sassoli de 'Bianchi