Catalog of the homonymous exhibition presented by Il Circolo degli Artisti of Albissola Marina (SV), in collaboration with the Arteam Cultural Association, from 10 to the 25 November 2018. The double staff, edited by Matteo Galbiati, is the result of the Special Prize awarded by the Circle of Artists on the occasion of the Arteam Cup 2017.
There is a fine line between the researches of Ilaria Gasparroni and Giulia Zappa, two artists who, in terms of similarity and analogies, they come to graze each other. Gasparroni, bending a difficult material such as marble, he succeeds in taking away the material weight and showing us, with a very delicate sculptural work, fragments of bodies and everyday objects rendered with a skill and technique that make them not only similar, but almost alive. Giulia Zappa, which on the other hand uses thermal photography and wax copying, it also imitates the real subject, but he does not stare at it permanently, never totally, so that the final work undergoes changes over time and places the resemblance to reality as a transitory and aleatory factor.