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Elisa Bertaglia, Out of the Blue, 2016, oil and pastels on paper, 102×76 cm, particular

Elisa Bertaglia. Out of the Blue

MILAN | Yards of Image | 15 December 2016 – 29 January 2017 The dreamlike and fairytale imagery of Elisa Bertaglia on display, from 15 December 2016 to the 29 January 2017, at Officine dell'Immagine in Milan (Via Atto Vannucci, 13). Curated by Matteo Galbiati, the exhibition will be inaugurated on Thursday 15 December at 19.00. Winner of the Special Prize […]

024_Untitled, 2016

ANGELICA CONSOLI. People who live in the same house

The Melesi Gallery of Lecco is pleased to present, in collaboration with the Arteam Association and Vanillaedizioni, the exhibition entitled People who live in the same house, debut solo exhibition in the gallery of the young artist Angelica Consoli (1991). This exhibition was born from the partnership between the gallery and the Albissolese association as part of the Arteam Cup 2015, prize for which Sabina […]


Urpflanze, the nature of the idea: the universal spirit inherent in all creative energy

MILAN | NEW MORONE GALLERY | 29 SEPTEMBER - 11 NOVEMBER 2016 The Nuova Galleria Morone in Milan inaugurates the exhibition season with the collective exhibition Urpflanze, the nature of the idea, a cura di Alberto Mattia Martini. The title originates from the nodal principles of the studies of J. W. Goethe, expressed mainly in the text The metamorphosis of plants (1790) […]

Presentation of the book in Savona 400

Albissola 400 – Presentation of the book in Savona

Vi informiamo che venerdì 17 Presentation of the book in Savona 18.30 Presentation of the book in Savona “Albissola 400. 400 years of Albissola Marina from the origins of the municipality to today (1616 – 2016)” presso La Feltrinelli Point Savona (Presentation of the book in Savona, Savona). Introdurrà la presentazione Nicoletta Negro (Presentation of the book in Savona). For more information: such. 019 […]


Presentation of the volume Pottery on board – Fontana, Alfieri, Luzzati and the ceramics of Albisola on board the Italian ocean liners

Saturday 23 April 2016 pm 17 will be held at the MuDA Exhibition Center in Albissola Marina (SV) the presentation of the volume “Pottery on Board – Fontana, Alfieri, Luzzati and Albisola ceramics on board Italian transatlantic liners”, published on the occasion of the exhibition of the same name running until 1 May 2016. “Strongly desired by our Administration and cared for in the […]

Gianluca Quaglia

BACK TO BLACK: Renato D’Agostin e Gianluca Quaglia a PULSE Contemporary Art Fair NYC

Back to Black è un progetto site specific che nasce dall’incontro di due differenti esperienze artistiche. Renato D’Agostin crea foto affascinanti che, con un linguaggio astratto, portano a disvelare la profondità della realtà. Gianluca Quaglia esplora i possibili effetti che l’intervento artistico può produrre sulla percezione del nero. Il risultato di questo scambio artistico sarà una […]

La mostra di Fosco Grisendi al Lago Store di Bologna

Fosco Grisendi al Lago Store di Bologna

[two_third class=”” last=”no” ] A Bologna, design, art, scoperta e mutamento si incontrano e si fondono per dare forma a nuovi scenari di vita. Friday 5 February 2016, in occasione del 6° compleanno del LAGO STORE Bologna sarà inaugurata la nuova esposizione, completamente rinnovata con le ultime novità dell’arredamento LAGO. Ad arricchire il nuovo showroom […]

reading marathon

Bookrepublic organizes a READING MARATHON to benefit Parkinson's research

Bookrepublic The Content Agency ti invita alla MARATONA DI LETTURA EPDA 100 Challenge a favore della ricerca sul Parkinson. Tuesday 15 December – give her 18.30 alla fine delle letture (tarda notte) oTTo CAFFE’, via Paolo Sarpi 8, Milano Bookrepublic The Content Agency ha ideato una maratona di lettura con finalità benefiche a favore di EPDA (European Parkinson’s Disease Association), l’associazione europea a sostegno […]

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