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Komorebi. Light song of light


Headline: Komorebi sunlight filtering through trees. Light song of light
Artist: Asako Hishiki, Fukushi Ito, Kaori Ebina, Ayako Nakamiya, Kanaco Takahashi
Texts: Matteo Galbiati, Raffaella Nobili, Laura Pintossi
Language: Italian, English
Translations: Emma Scroffi
Release date: 24 September 2022
ISBN: 978-88-6057-555-5
Size: cm 16,5×22
Format: paperback binding
Pages: 96
Price: € 23.00

Pasolini: the look of the contemporary


Headline: Pasolini: the look of the contemporary
Artists: Federico Bonelli, Marcela Cernadas, Pier Giorgio De Pinto, Elisabetta Di Sopra, Sylvester Gauvrit, Carla Iacono, Viviana Milan, Anne Claire van den Elshout
Edited by: Virginia Monteverde
Texts: Paola Cordone, Carlo Montanaro, Virginia Monteverde
Language: Italian, English
Translations: Ian Harvey
Release date: 15 July 2022
ISBN: 978-88-6057-542-5
Size: cm 14,8×21
Format: paperback milled
Pages: 32
Price: € 15.00

Monica Gorini. Visual synthesis | Decompose the moment into frames – The diary of a research


Headline: Monica Gorini. Visual synthesis
Subtitle: Decompose the moment into frames | The diary of a research
Artist: Monica Gorini
Texts: Monica Gorini, Lorella Giudici
Language: Italian, English
Translations: Richard Sadleir
Release date: 23 December 2021
ISBN: 978-88-6057-480-0
Size: cm 16,5×24
Format: paperback binding
Pages: 192
Price: € 28.00

Giovanni Campus – Time in process. Connection measures reports – Work path 1963-2021


Headline: Giovanni Campus – Time in process. Connection measures reports
Subtitle: Work path 1963-2021
Artist: Giovanni Campus
Edited by: Matteo Galbiati
Texts: Placido Cherchi, Matteo Galbiati, Giovanni Campus
Language: Italian
Release date: 11 June 2021
ISBN: 978-88-6057-494-7
Size: cm 21×28
Format: cartonato
Pages: 112
Price: € 29.00

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