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Silvia Margaria
Silvia Margaria from Turin

Your new daily ritual ...
The rite has to do with order, the measure, the number. My daily life is mainly made up of disorder. At the moment. I proceed for attempts with the will to create a rule, but the watchword remains "adaptation" and the mantra "no pretensions".
Walking, in my daily life, it has always been a constant presence. This ritual that gave order e, through the rhythm of the steps, a measure, it was an activity to distance yourself and be able to think, just like you do with a great design: you have to move away to be able to have a balanced view of the whole, to understand the proportions. Somehow the reading it is replacing walking, but most of the time the thought does not flow and concentration is lacking. Books are escapism and refuge in a sob that is becoming a habit.
I replaced the daily to-do lists with listing useful things that are missing.
The dishwasher wins over the washing machine, the fridge on the computer.
If for the organization of my newspaper I can accept the disorder, towards my two daughters I cannot allow there to be too much anarchy; with them the rules are necessary and this helps to keep our feet on the ground.

With which objects and spaces of your daily life are you interacting the most?
The lounge chair. Symbol object, for me now, of loneliness and thought. It does not admit drowsiness and discomfort, but it welcomes me in a kind of watchful numbness. It is a question of position, external and internal. I have always preferred the stiffness of the desk or the sharing of the sofa, but I need to change my position, to take a stand.

We are dealing with a new time and space. What are you discovering or rediscovering about yourself?
I don't get angry anymore. Or better, my relationship with the anger - an outburst with excited words, sometimes yell, that explodes in exaggerated and decomposed actions has changed: the sensation of irritation seems to be heavier and deeper but contained, internal.
The I remember of past things has ceased to be synonymous with veiling, blur and gained enough weight to be present in almost every conversation around the house. It is a slingshot that gains power by pulling back to launch forward.

We are realizing that we can live with less mobility?
I don't think it is necessary to live with less mobility, moving and moving is a natural and necessary human impulse that takes concrete form in 'going' and 'returning'. However, I hope that a change in mobility can be implemented, a slowdown. When you slow down, the perception of space and time changes. Slowing down means being able to increase attention, concentrate information and experiences, give value.
Speed ​​and slowness, "There is the same difference as looking at a water or jumping into it" (Cesare Pavese, The devil in the hills).

Silvia Margaria was born in Savigliano (CN) in 1985. Lives and works in Turin. After earning a II level degree at the Albertina Academy of Fine Arts in Turin in 2010, he spends three years in the film archive of the Cineteca of the National Cinema Museum of Turin, in the film inspection and cataloging sector. His artistic work is inspired by this experience, in which the images were made of light, fixity, wounds and memory.
Damage or forgetting of materials such as photographs, films, books, postcards, drawings that the artist collects, they represent a tribute to the resistance, to sediment and multiplicity. The overlap, the juxtaposition and coincidence, intended as survey methodologies, allow you to select, to maintain, add, record and keep.
Among the main exhibitions: Secret. Traces of memory, Ducal Palace, Genoa (2020); Arteam Cup, Villa Nobel, Sanremo (2019) – Absolute Winner; Anthologìa, Selected Works Gallery, Turin (2019); Wheater Report, Hartwich Gallery, Sellin on Rügen, Germany (2018); We call it work, message, Berlin (2018); point. Working Papers, Intesa San Paolo skyscraper, Turin (2016); Dreamers, MEF Ettore Fico Museum Turin, (2016); [Quickness], Villa Brivio, Nova Milanese (2016). He has been a member of Progetto Diogene since 2018. Collaborate with Selected Works. www.silviamargaria.it