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Giuseppina Giordano
Giuseppina Giordano from Mazara del Vallo (TP)

What you're missing? Your personal experience of "absence" and "lack".
I miss the time of choice, of possibility. At this moment, those who are alone at home are forced into forced solitude, who in company, sometimes, he is forced into forced coexistence.
I miss the sweetness I feel when I choose to be alone with myself, in silence, nourish myself with non-productive time, empty, which becomes very fertile for new ideas, and which also makes my relationships more fertile and joyful. I miss the dream.

How do you imagine the world, when everything will start again?
I immediately imagine a frightened world, lost, still suffering. It is at that moment that we need to be in solidarity with each other and, at the same time, aware and vigilant so as not to abdicate their personal freedom tout-court, to fundamental human rights which seem to be suspended and falling in this extraordinary time, in fear, victims of extremism.

To date, what have been the immediate consequences of the spread of Covid-19 on your work for you and what do you think the long-term consequences may be?
I went through a real upheaval considering that almost all of my projects this year required a trip, a move abroad, many of the works would be site-specific and all of my practice, in the last few years, she was nomadic and arose by relating to others.
I am a very curious person, I have always found my personal balance in movement, in the long term I believe that I will certainly arrive at new ways and new worlds to express myself, although this transformation may not be painless.
If it is true that the "ideal" conditions thanks to which my projects have developed up to now are now missing, it is also true that making art is a necessity for me, a call I cannot escape, which will inevitably lead me to new paths, to new practices.

Giuseppina Giordano (Mazara del Vallo, 1987) she is an interdependent artist. His practice has no center, it feeds on transformations. From 2017 is a recipient of a research grant from The Secular Society. In 2019 è artist-in-residence al MASS MoCA, USA, is in the 2018 presso Camden Arts Centre e Slade School of Art a Londra. Among the recent exhibitions: BAM – Mediterranean Archipelago Biennial, Palermo and Please, teach me the language of a rose, mostra personale al Taubman Museum of Art, Ronaoke, USA.
His latest project is COROLLA, waiting for spring, United in the time of COVID-19: a series of wearable sculptures in the form of a corolla to maintain safe distances between people, an invitation to be delicate like flowers. He lives in Milan and wherever his body is. www.giuseppinagiordano.com