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Eva Reguzzoni from Borgo Ticino (NO)

Your new daily ritual…
I feel a deep malaise, the uncertainty about what our life will be like in the future after the coronavirus mystifies me. At home the days pass slowly without the rush, I realize that I perceive a feeling of emptiness, I try not to think about the next consequences of the facts and live the day as it presents itself. Getting up in the morning and thinking about how to plan the whole day and reorganize the various domestic vicissitudes with the family, sharing daily chores and then in the evening, after dinner, think about what the next day will be like. The mornings of the first days of quarantine, I was scared to hear from the news the sad news that we were about to start living and I wondered how the whole contagion situation would evolve. Everything crashed, tensions arose, anxieties and fears about the future. The jobs I was carrying out in the professional field were consequently suspended and, maybe, when can i resume? The exhibitions scheduled for the spring months have also been cancelled, and now? I was lost, filled with feelings of anxiety and loss, in an instant all the strengths I had conquered and built to overcome the difficult moments collapsed. Days go by, the weeks add up, the first month and, little by little, I give up and notice that new rhythms of life have become part of everyday life, marked by widespread moments and movements that take over free time, but with a different slowness and curious to know the little things that surround us. Unconsciously I'm getting used to this new dimension of daily life, intimately experienced and perceived by small domestic rituals of relationship with those close to you. As an artist in the end I ask myself a question: I feel something strange inside me, something that doesn't go away, it stands there in its place, I feel a lack, a void that blocks me? My head can't think detachedly and creatively, my imagination perceives an obstacle to overcome, I feel the creative effort that grows more and more, I lack clear focus on how to act and do, as an artistic act to evolve to produce new works. I try to work with the dear clay and mold new shapes, I also try with paper, but I can not, I can't find a suitable theme, a spark to inspire me; I try and try again, sketch, riplasmo. In the end I decide that this can not go well: I leave my studio, I turn the key in the door lock and lock it. I have a lot of free time but I can't concentrate, I lack a specific reason, a necessary stimulus, a way that pushes me beyond the psychological rock in which I find myself and I answer myself: time will fix everything. I open the door of the house and go out into the garden in the open air; we are in spring and I await.

With which objects and spaces of your daily life are you interacting the most?
Waiting as rebirth is the thought with which I am interacting the most in this delicate period of isolation and I experience it every day in the green space of my garden. Some days I walk aimlessly in circles around the fenced perimeter of the lawn, or to spend time with nature I dedicate myself intensely to gardening or simply lie down on the grass, I look to the sky and wait. The garden space is my second studio from which I draw the benefits and emotional recharges that I need in certain moments of psychological weakness.

What you're missing? Your personal experience of "absence" and "lack".
I now lack the certainty about the future and the absence of an immediate response to lead a stable life. I perceive this period of immobility as a second skin that envelops me tightly and prevents me from moving.. I look forward to the next moult.

How do you imagine the world, when everything will start again?
Difficile, but I want to be positive and proactive. I imagine that within us we will be able to develop dynamics of coexistence and acceptance; the restart will have one more click, but towards a new identity that respects the peace and values ​​of the other, less exploitation of natural resources and coexistence with mother earth. Above all, be less possessive and not think only of your own interests and this will be the motto to survive peacefully.

Born in Gallarate (VA) in 1965, Eva Reguzzoni he graduated from the Art School of Busto Arsizio e, afterwards, at the School of Applied Art of the Castello Sforzesco in Milan. She is an archaeological restorer and designer. From 2009 he develops a personal artistic research investigating his own inner life through an important introspective work, gutted by a gesture that alternates drawing, embroidery and pottery, and which often finds its favorite method in the installation. His works, deeply intimate, they arise from suggestions taken from moments in his life, moments that, experienced through sensory experience, they are imprinted in the memory as precious memories. Recently published the cEva Reguzzoni monographic catalogue. ONE STEP…INSIDE with texts edited by Irene Biolchini and Rossella Moratto – PageNotFound necklace – Publisher vanillaedizioni, March 2020. www.evareguzzoni.it