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Elisabetta Longari from Milan

Your new daily ritual ...
First thing, I prepare breakfast for the dog Him and for me. Then with a leap I jump on the exercise bike (that I regained after a not well quantified break) with which I delude myself to move through this sensational spring that is denied us by the quarantine. I'll do it in an hour 16 kilometers on the plain reading fiction of various kinds. Then there is the computer waiting for me after the shower. And in the evening, after a few outings with the dog and a few breaks on the sofa, finally it's time for the daily movie. Space drawing quite indistinctly, but currently I see more willingly some gems between the sixties and seventies.

How your way of working has changed?
Distance learning doesn't convince me. The direct relationship between teacher and students is an integral part of the game and I miss it to the point that I receive students with a video call to have the illusion of being seated at the same table analyzing their written exercises.

To date, what have been the immediate consequences of the spread of Covid-19 on your work for you and what do you think the long-term consequences may be?
Even if the world has stopped, to keep the bar steady, although all projects have been blocked, however, I worked putting myself forward with the deliveries of the texts, even if the exhibition catalogs or the books for which they were written have production times yet to be redefined for obvious reasons. The long term is something I've never thought about anyway... unconscious? The people who know me most intimately actually categorize me as a "cicada". Summer is coming, in spite of everything.

Elisabetta Longari, Professor of Contemporary Art History at the Brera Academy of Fine Arts in Milan, is among the curators of the review Cinema & Arts and of different exhibitions, in various public and private spaces, personal including Cesare Fullone From Created to ReCreated, natural History Museum, Milan, 2010; Antonio Scaccabarozzi. Variable, Antonio and Carmela Calderara Foundation, Vacciago di Ameno, 2012; Emilio Scanavino. Birth, Stars Foundation, Milan, 2014; Emilio Scanavino. Genesis of forms, Palazzo Pigorini, Parma, 2019; and collective H3O at the Civic Aquarium, Milan 2011; The pain of other animals, Fondazione Maimeri, Milan, 2012; vs Cravan, Visconti Gym, Milan 2018. Contributed continuously since 1988 to the magazine Third eye (Bora, Bologna) and published several volumes including Alfredo Chighine, Matasci Editions, Tender (CH), 1991; Sironi and the V Triennale, Ilisso, Nuoro, 2007. The most recent publication, the 2020, is a monograph on the work of Adriano Altamira for Postmediabooks.